Refuse Single-Use Day

January 6, 2024 Asia Pacific

🌟 Join us in a global call to action on this day, urging everyone to refuse single-use plastics for the future of our planet and people. Your participation is crucial in making a big impact, and we’d love to see your organization’s voice added to the collective movement.

  • SHARE AWAY: Follow and Like the Refuse Single-Use Day Facebook page. Share your #RefuseSingleUseDay experience or activity on social media on Jan 6, and please don’t forget to tag our Facebook page! 
  • SOCIAL SHARING GUIDE: Here’s a guide that includes logos, posters, infographics, quote cards, etc., that you may use when promoting your event. You may tweak this to your liking as long as you include the RSU logo. 

Lastly, don’t forget to share your International Zero Waste Month experience by using the hashtags
#ZeroWasteMonth #ZeroWasteMonth2024 #IZWM2024 #ChooseReuse #GoForZeroWaste #RefuseSingleUseDay